Maker Faire Lisbon Relaunches This Friday! - Make: Maker Faire Lisbon Relaunches This Friday! - Make:

Maker Faire Lisbon Relaunches This Friday!

Maker Faire Maker News
Maker Faire Lisbon Relaunches This Friday!

Since 2014 (with a few breaks) Maker Faire Lisbon has created unique events that show off the tremendous creativity of the community in this famously beautiful city. If  the ingenuity of the city’s maker community was in any doubt, it would be dispelled by the absolutely fantastic animation created for the event by award-winning artist and animator João Pombiero. It’s a dynamic approach to the communication for the event, a real maker approach to graphic design turned into a tool that will allow us constant surprises throughout the visual communication leading up to Maker Faire Lisbon 2022. Stay tuned!

In preparation for an in-person event, the production team at FabLab Benfica at Politécnico de Lisboa is organizing a hybrid “taster” of what’s to come. In reaction to the pandemic and its disproportionate affect on the education system, as well as the opportunity for reform the disruptions compels, the in-person component is mainly aimed at teachers. Speaking to this opportunity, the Portuguese government plans to implement a 1300 makerspace network in national schools across the country. In line with our local Fabschools strategy, the fair will be mostly focus on workshops and knowledge transfer between makers and teachers. This aligns with the work Fablab Benfica has been doing with the FabSchools Project throughout the last year to facilitate maker education at home.

The curated online show & tell will livestream simultaneously. The goal is to develop an archive of high-quality, diverse show & tell videos and launch the return to the in-person Maker Faire Lisbon, which will be held next year, most probably in May. As communication with sponsors, media partners, and our call for makers are released, we will also organize more small events made of workshops and show & tell live streaming.

The first of these “Relaunching Maker Faire Lisbon” small events will collaborate with Three workshops aimed exclusively at teachers will also be a great opportunity to bring some fabschools catalogue designs directly into schools and into the hands of student makers. The selected makers running the workshops: 

“Build your own OttO”
(training conducted in English, as it has the remote participation of the creator of OttO – Camilo Palacio)

“Build with your BLOCKS zero”

(training conducted in Portuguese)

“Caleiduino, the digital and interactive kaleidoscope based on Arduino”

(training conducted in Spanish and/or English with the presence of José Manuel Martinez González)

During the event, the Higher School of Education of Lisbon Grand Hall stage will be transformed into a streaming studio where these makers and others will demonstrate their skills, share knowledge, and present their projects.

Head over the the Maker Faire Lisbon website to view the livestream, October 29th:

Illustrating both the popularity and the need for maker education for educators, most of the sessions are already filled.

To get a feel for what they are building up to next  year, take a peek at the 2019 Maker Faire Lisbon!

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Jennifer Blakeslee keeps the Global Maker Faire program running smoothly and has been a maker at Maker Faire since 2011. Among other things, she really likes to travel, write, cook, hike, make big art, and swim in the ocean.

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