We recently featured an excellent example of a double knit scarf based on Star Wars, but another fantastic double knit scarf based on science fiction popped up this week as well. This time the scarf is based on the alien glyphs from the television series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., which happens to make for a beautifully abstract composition. Tumblr user ConcertiGrossi shared the work that they’ve done on the scarf so far, as well as the pattern that they’re using, in case you’d like to make one yourself.
Double-knitting takes advantage of the fact that knit and purl stitches are essentially the opposite of each other – a knit stitch is a purl on the wrong side, and vice versa – so when the stitches are worked in pairs (the pattern will always, always be k1p1) you get a lovely stockinette fabric on both sides, with the patterns picked out in the contrasting colors you’ve chosen.
This is ConcertiGrossi’s first double knitting project, and they’ve suggested this video series by planetpurl for anyone who is interested in learning to do it!
[via Geek Crafts]