I’m a big fan of found object art and art objects fashioned from unusual materials. I also love the Facebook and Twitter feeds where someone–a rogue, amateur, armchair art curator–posts daily images under a theme or specific art genre.
These two interests beautifully converge on the Twitter feed This Out of That, which bills itself as “Delightful art made from unusual materials.” I have no idea who is behind the effort, but I was thrilled to recently discover it and to look through all of the amazing objets d’art amassed so far.
Here are a few of my recent favorite tweets. I have added links to the known artists’ web pages so that you can find out more about them and view more of their jaw-dropping work.
Sphere, made from keys. Artist unknown.
Melting Watch a la Salvador Dali, made from latte foam, by Kazuki Yamamoto.
Measuring tape, made from coins, by Stacey Lee Weber.
“Another Soaring,” made from red buttons, by Ran Hwang.
Astronaut, made from coat hangers, by David Mach.
Sculpture made from chewing gum, by Maurizio Savini.
Alien Facehugger sugar cookie, by Christine McConnell (@CHMcConnell).