Amazing Art Made from Found, Everyday, and Unusual Materials - Make: Amazing Art Made from Found, Everyday, and Unusual Materials - Make:

Amazing Art Made from Found, Everyday, and Unusual Materials

Art & Sculpture Craft & Design
Amazing Art Made from Found, Everyday, and Unusual Materials

I’m a big fan of found object art and art objects fashioned from unusual materials. I also love the Facebook and Twitter feeds where someone–a rogue, amateur, armchair art curator–posts daily images under a theme or specific art genre.

These two interests beautifully converge on the Twitter feed This Out of That, which bills itself as “Delightful art made from unusual materials.” I have no idea who is behind the effort, but I was thrilled to recently discover it and to look through all of the amazing objets d’art amassed so far.

Here are a few of my recent favorite tweets. I have added links to the known artists’ web pages so that you can find out more about them and view more of their jaw-dropping work.

materialsSphere, made from keys. Artist unknown.

materialsMelting Watch a la Salvador Dali, made from latte foam, by Kazuki Yamamoto.

materialsMeasuring tape, made from coins, by Stacey Lee Weber.

C4DughhUMAE8V0U.jpg_large“Another Soaring,” made from red buttons, by Ran Hwang.

Astronaut, made from coat hangers, by David Mach.

C3lBYScWMAAp5Sp.jpg_largeSculpture made from chewing gum, by Maurizio Savini.

C3lAq0jWQAE-7KQ.jpg_largeAlien Facehugger sugar cookie, by Christine McConnell (@CHMcConnell).

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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