Applause machine

Craft & Design

Dug North writes in –

When the you push the button, The Applause Machine claps it’s hands for you. The Applause Machine is a motorized automaton designed by Martin Smith that will be widely available in September of 2008. The piece is constructed of coated steel, brass, Walnut, plastic and a small motor. It measures about 45cm in height and is powered by 2 AAA batteries. It will be available in a number of very nice colors.

The Designing Automata Kit is great value and fantastic quality. No glue or tools are required, and you will learn about simple mechanics using cams and a crank slider mechanism. Many different designs can be made, and the kit used over and over again. Produced in Thailand using chemical-free rubber wood, from sustainable sources. Make is proud to be the only store this side of the pond to carry this kit.

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