Barcode plantage

Craft & Design
Barcode plantage

Make Pt0857
BARCODE PLANTAGE via NOTCOT (made with processing).

BARCODE PLANTAGE transforms a simple product bar code into a unique tree in the garden of globalisation. One can find it on almost all products: the bar code. Everyone knows that the bar code is used to facilitate the cashing and recording of goods in stores. But which information is actually encoded within the bar code? A simple answer to this question can be found at one of the product databases on the Internet, which are basically huge networks of national code databases. Keying in the 8, 12 or 13 digit figures of a bar code into an international code database, returns information on the manufacturer and the country of origin of the product. Moreover, each bar code is assigned to only one product worldwide; but these individual details are hardly visible to the naked eye.

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