Book Review + Giveaway: Handmade Beginnings

Craft & Design Yarncraft

Header Handmade Beginnings

Today is the debut of Anna Maria Horner’s new book, Handmade Beginnings: 24 Sewing Projects to Welcome Baby. In a craft profile last year, Anna mentioned to us this new book and we are so excited to be the first stop in the blog tour!
This baby book is for sewers of all levels. I love how this book is organized too. There are 4 main chapters: Mama Sewing (maternity/nursing dresses and tops), Baby Sewing, Family Sewing (projects that incorporate the family), and Nest Sewing. Within each chapter the easier projects are at the beginning of the section and more advanced ones are at the end. (Take a preview inside the book here.) The baby projects of course are super cute! The baby booties as featured on the cover of the book will make great baby shower or welcome baby gift. As a mom, I will also like to point out that the quick change trousers are a great project to make because they are also reversible! You will need lots of these kinds of pants that easily slip off to change diapers. Other projects high on my list are the Dad bag (a great messenger style bag for Dad), Patchwork Sleeping Sack, and The Hide and Seek Spectrum Quilt. With Mother’s Day coming up, this is the perfect book for the crafty new mom or mom-to-be!
Book Giveaway Time!
Two lucky CRAFT readers will each receive a copy of the book, Handmade Beginnings. Just tell us why you would like this book in the comments. All comments will be closed by Noon PST on Friday, May 7, 2010. The lucky winners will be announced later on the site. Good luck!

Watch this video of Anna Maria Horner describing the inspiration and projects behind Handmade Beginnings.

Handmadebeg Nestingcubes
Visit the Handmade Beginnings site to find out how to enter the sweepstakes where you could win a Singer sewing machine, a signed copy of the book, and more! You can also download this cute Nesting Cubes pattern.
Here are the dates and sites for the rest of the Handmade Beginnings blog tour!
May 4 Indie Fixx
May 5 Sew Mama Sew
May 6 Pink Chalk Studio
May 10 Wise Craft
May 14 House on Hill Road
May 16 The Purl Bee
May 18 All Buttoned Up
May 19 Alabama Chanin Journal
May 20 Homemade by Jill
May 21 True Up
May 22 Oh, Fransson!
May 23 Prudent Baby
May 24 Sew Liberated
May 25 Handmade by Alissa
May 26 Hazelnuts
May 27 Petite Purls

286 thoughts on “Book Review + Giveaway: Handmade Beginnings

  1. Natalya says:

    This book looks gorgeous!

  2. Kristi Montague says:

    ALL my friends are pregnant right now, and this book would allow me to make them all some amazing baby gifts (so that when I have babies they will feel indebted to me and shower me with awesome baby gifts, too!)

  3. Lori says:

    The logistics of the book charm as much as the crafting projects. I like the four chapters dividing the baby’s world as well as the sliding skill-level competency needed for each project. The fact that it encourages EVERYONE to welcome baby gives this work a non-traditional edge. Some new traditions are better than the old mom-centric models. I live in a university town. Three couples announced their new arrivals last week, and three others announced their due dates. My belief is that every baby needs something home-made has me included in an ever widening circle of friends. As the resident academic grandmother to graduate students both domestic and foreign, I need all the tricks and inspiration I can get! This book would make a great Mother’s Day present (and belated birthday present) for me, and all of the expecting families that I know would be the richer for it.

  4. Csparling says:

    This book would come in great use to me, as I am 8 months pregnant and am trying to make handmade stuff for my baby-to-be. I just took a Beginner’s sewing class so that I could make my daughter some unique clothes. The ideas look so cute and I hope I win a copy!!

  5. zeegirl says:

    Love a copy of this book, for many reasons… Mad love for Anna Maria, tons of friends who are having babies, the inspiration of it all… Pick one! And thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  6. claudiasburningink says:

    This year my husband and I are really hoping to have our first child. I would love to make everything possible for our child!

  7. kate B says:

    Right now…
    7 of my friends are all expecting. I NEED IDEAS OF GIFTS TO MAKE!!!!

  8. flashalee says:

    Wow, I would love this book! I am due Memorial Day weekend and I need to sew for this baby!

  9. schnetzy says:

    I would absolutely love to win this book! My husband and I are expecting our first baby in August! I am a school teacher and I am counting down the days until summer so I can begin sewing things for baby (and me :)). I love to make things and I am so excited about making things for my own baby and this book would give me lots of great things I could make! So please pick me! Baby and I would be very appreciative!

  10. kaela says:

    Ohh, I wonder how long “beginnings” goes… my son isn’t really a baby anymore but I do love making him stuff.

  11. claudiasburningink says:

    This year my husband and I are really hoping to have our first child. I would love to make everything possible for our child!

  12. 3 to get ready says:

    My sister’s baby is due the end of the next month. I would love some new inspiration!

  13. jalphaiv says:

    Please, I need this book because I know 19 pregnant women!!!

  14. Chérie says:

    It seems like everyone I know is having a baby! Whereas I have a good selection of basic gift ideas, I could always use more inspiration.

  15. honeysucklehandmades says:

    I would love this book!!!!
    I’m planning on having a baby in the next couple years, and since I’m a preschool teacher now, I could make neat things for the moms having new babies! Also, this seems like a great book to give as a gift to new moms, but i’d like to look at it first. I’d be so happy to win this book!

  16. Jessica Gorman says:

    I would be so pleased to win this book. If the designs are half as beautiful as her fabrics, this book is sure to be awesome. Plus I have baby gifts to make, and I’m sick of making the same knit booties every time.

  17. KatieD says:

    I’m expecting my second baby in the middle of June. This book would be fantastic for me to be able to make a few things before her arrival. Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. Jen says:

    I’ve developed a bit of a reputation for sending care packages to my expecting mama friends. Of course, some of these friends are now on second and third babies, and I can’t just keep sending the same stuff! I need to keep it fresh! :)

  19. brigit222 says:

    My husband and I just learned we are expecting our first baby on Christmas! We are so excited, but I need to put away all of my projects and concentrate on creating baby goodies! I adore Anna Horner style and am sure my baby will too!

  20. Andi Fasimpaur says:

    A very dear friend is expecting a baby she had given up hope of ever having. Repeated abdominal surgeries have left her with scar tissue that she was told would prevent her from conceiving or carrying a 2nd child. Her second son will be born almost exactly a year after they completed the adoption of a beautiful baby boy through the foster care system. I love my friend and both of her children and can’t wait for the birth of this miracle child. Unfortunately, it looks as though her family will be moving half way across country within just a couple months of the birth of her new baby. I don’t know whether I will attempt to sew for the new baby or whether I would gift the book to my friend (who is really a much better seamstress) but with so many beautiful beginnings hovering at the edges of her life, this is a book that has tremendous resonance when I think of my friend.

  21. Amber says:

    I’m due with my first in December, so I have plenty of time to make EVERYTHING in this book! :)

  22. mama4jc says:

    Having 3 little ones and contemplating one more, I’m drawn to this book because it looks so fun and doable! :)

  23. cherylp says:

    I have a little one… about 18 months now. Plus all my friends are having babies, and I need inspiration for cute shower gifts for my new mama friends!

  24. wsinner says:

    All my friends are preggo and i’ve been having some wrist issues because of work and crochet/knitting. I’m learning to sew just to keep my idle hands busy!! This looks really fun and EASY so my novice sewing may be able to handle these and still be able to give something handmade to all my lovely fwends!!! Thank you!!!!!

  25. Crafting is Sanity says:

    This is such a beautiful book! My husband and I are trying for our second this year and how fun would it be to start crafting early for our next little one? Plus a book with patterns for nursing and maternity stuff? YES PLEASE!
    erincomptondesign (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. ashtina says:

    Oh, I am pining so badly for this book! I have so many friends who are finally having babies (I’ve been a mom for 10 years already!) and I want lots of ideas of things to make for them. Handmade gifts are the best to give!

  27. Emily says:

    I’d love to win the book because one of my good friends is pregnant!

  28. benses says:

    Two of my cousins are pregnant with their first children and I’m throwing them an eco baby shower, so obviously my gifts cannot be store bought!

  29. Stacey S. says:

    I would like this book because it looks frickin’ awesome! Thanks for the give-a-way.

  30. Cristina says:

    I am a mother of a new baby boy and I love to sew things. I haven’t found anything I love to make him yet and this book looks like it has the perfect projects for me.

  31. betsyann says:

    I love Anna Maria Horner, her projects are always so pretty and useful, my favorite combination. Please enter me! :)

  32. BrightStreetGeo says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway! Anna Maria Horner is a happymaker. I love her fabrics and projects. I’d be very excited to win this book, and it would see a lot of action. My husband and I have been battling infertility for years, and are now on the road to adoption. We live in a community that is very family-friendly, and we are surrounded by many neighbors and dear friends who are making lots of babies—so many that sometimes it’s a challenge to keep up with the baby and mama gifts. I really enjoy sewing, and sewing for others, especially loved ones in the baby business. That’s a great line of work—and I love to reward jobs well done! : ) Please pick me. I’ll sew a mountain of love.

  33. jgadrin says:

    i’m learning how to sew clothing. her book looks like it could ease me into knowing how to make beautiful things to gift to my friends and family.

  34. Thien-Kim says:

    I have a 5 month old and would love to make him some cute toys and clothes!

  35. space_oddyssey22 says:

    I would love to win this book because I have many nieces and nephews who would look adorable with the wonderful patterns that Anna Maria Horner creates.

  36. says:

    Oh i am so excited for this book! I have a brand new baby and a 16month old plus my closest friends are all prego or have kids the same age. so i am always looking for new baby patterns that are cute. this book looks so fun!

  37. jumpyjodes says:

    i’m trying to teach myself to sew. i’d love something to sew for babies that goes beyond simple blankets!!
    this would be great!

  38. holly p says:

    I would love a copy of this book! So many of my friends and family members are having babies, I’d love to make some of the things in the book for baby gifts!

  39. Olive Oyl says:

    Great projects to make for my baby boy
    [And for the future baby girl, some day…]
    Thank you!

  40. says:

    I have a 17 months old toddler and this book will be very useful for me.

  41. Lydia says:

    Pick meeeee!

  42. tappity says:

    This book looks gorgeous and full of things I’d love to make for my daughter, especially the shoes, as she’s suddenly developed a shoe obsession – a girl after my own heart!

  43. han says:

    i am expecting my first in August and could certainly put this book to good use :)

  44. Laurpud says:

    I would love to be able to give this book to my daughter, who is expecting a boy!! After I look through it, of course ;-)

  45. Bonney says:

    Have 2 brand spanking new grandkids. Look like this is a great book for some great ideas!

  46. KayDee says:

    The book looks fabulous and with so many of my friends and family pregnant at the moment it would surely help me come up with lots of pressies!

  47. tracylee says:

    I’ve wanted to get this book to make things for the babes in my family – esp. the little one born yesterday!

  48. TheIncidentalCreative says:

    I am looking to extend my own family shortly, I have a little boy at the moment, I am constantly using my hands and come from a sewing family. This would make a great addition to my repertoire of goodies and gifts and with my First Mom’s group and Antenatal class friends from the first time around I have lots of excuses to use up fabrics and make things. And now we are all moving on to number 2’s, all the better.
    I would really love and appreciate this amazing treasure of a book.

  49. pita says:

    Me, please. I would Love this book!

  50. ponderonit1 says:

    I have 7 grandchildren 5 and under and my kids are finished yet. I recently have renewed my interest in sewing and love sewing for babies. This would be so inspiring!

  51. phadsgal says:

    My sister-in-law is expecting, and my husband and I are trying to get preggers! Oh, and of course, I love all of Anna Marie Horner’s stuff!

  52. carrie says:

    I’m expecting my first baby in November and I would love to make him/her some of the projects in this book!!

  53. says:

    I am hoping to get pregnant in the near future so this would be great for me. In the mean time, I have lots of friends that are pregnant, or new moms so I can see this being very useful to me.

  54. runa says:

    I’m a beginner and so this book would be so nice to have…moreover my younger sister’s expecting twins…hows that? well so am busy putting things together for her…would be wonderful making things for the lil ones from this book. All the best to me!

  55. Rachel says:

    This book looks amazing! I’m trying to get back into sewing after years of letting my machine collect dust — these projects look great!

  56. rosielady says:

    I would love to have this book because I just found out last night that I am going to be an Aunt! My brother and his wife are going to have their first baby and what better way to welcome a baby to the world than in handmade items.

  57. JennyE09 says:

    I just finished a beginner sewing class and my husband and I are about to start trying to have a baby. I would love to have this book to work on my sewing abilities and supply my nursery at the same time.

  58. Jenny says:

    These projects look wonderful! It seems like all my friends are having babies these days so I’m always looking for ideas for new baby projects, and it would be great to have some gifts for the new moms as well!

  59. Amanda says:

    I want to start sewing, and I think this book will be a perfect starting point! The projects are beautiful. I have two nieces and nephews on the way and would love to make them homemade gifts!

  60. Winjes Farm says:

    1. I have two small grandchildren, two more on the way
    2. Knitting is too slow, my hands hurt.
    3. I have a stash of gorgeous fabrics to use up
    4. We live four hours away from the nearest shopping
    I NEED this gorgeous book.
    Thank you.

  61. jbartistic says:

    The hubby and I ttc and my 3 closest friends are already pregnant…plus I’m taking a sewing class this summer to butter up my rusty skills it would be wonderful to practice and make gifts for my dear friends.

  62. Sursi says:

    Baby projects are a great start. I have alot of friends who could benefit too.

  63. Eleanor says:

    My husband and I have been trying for a baby for awhile now. At least making some things for the little peanut might make the time go by faster!

  64. Arika Electric says:

    I am going to be an Aunt this fall for the very first time and would looooooove to have this book so I could make wonderfull things for this new little addition to our family. I love making things for babies and would really love this book.

  65. JC says:

    This book is so awesome.

  66. katet08 says:

    gorgeous stuff! my best friend is pregnant and i would love to spoil her with some of these beautiful projects.

  67. Cindy says:

    We are going to have our second grandbaby this fall and would love to make some of these items for the mother and baby.

  68. marci_jo says:

    I would like this book mostly for the eye candy, beautiful colours & fabrics. I may even have to sew something from it too.

  69. lilymarcella says:

    I’ve been eyeing this book for weeks now! I’ve got many new babies on the horizon, a gift card for a fabric shop a brand new sewing machine to practice using and it’s my birthday tomorrow. I’d put this book to great use!

  70. corrie says:

    The book looks beautiful, and I want to make the bags! I really need more bags. :)

  71. Lori P says:

    Ooo! Ooo! I love the maternity clothes and little hooded jacket. I’d love to make some little goodies for my new nephew due in July!

  72. lazergir1 says:

    So no joke, but in the 2 months, 6 of my close friends just had babies!! Not only would this give me 6 great ideas, but this would be a fantastic book gift to get them started down the glittery road of Craft-tastics! Awesome-ness! lazergir1{at}hotmail{dot}com!

  73. audra says:

    I am covered in children – my own, nieces/nephews, cousins, neighbors & would love to make them all beautiful things – but, I need a pattern. I’m not that good. Love AMH!

  74. lazergir1 says:

    So no joke, but in the 2 months, 6 of my close friends just had babies!! Not only would this give me 6 great ideas, but this would be a fantastic book gift to get them started down the glittery road of Craft-tastics! Awesome-ness! lazergir1{at}hotmail{dot}com!

  75. audra says:

    I am covered in children – my own, nieces/nephews, cousins, neighbors. I would love to sew for them all, but I need a pattern. I’m not that good! Love AMH!

  76. drainl says:

    I’d love to check out this book! My sister-in-law is pregnant and I hope to get knocked up later this year as well. Thanks!

  77. says:

    I would love to win this book so that I can sew adorable little things for all the babies that are on the way in my life!

  78. Mary on Lake Pulaski says:

    I would love to win this book because I am a first time grandmother (three weeks!) and there are so many items I could make for Audrey.

  79. lou says:

    All my friends are having babies. I love to sew but I need some new ideas.

  80. suburbank says:

    I am a new stay at home mom and have recently taken up sewing. I love making my own things because I love finding patterns that I like and tailoring things to my needs. So far I have made cushions for my daughter’s high chair and a diaper bag. I am still pretty mediocre at sewing but I’m getting better. I would love this book because the projects look awesome and inspiring. I never thought of myself as the domesticated type, but so far I am enjoying my creative domestic journey. I think this book would be the perfect accompaniment. Thanks k

  81. Lorena says:

    This book looks amazing! Although my fervent prayers for my own little one have not yet been answered, I’m getting lots of practice making baby gifts and such! I’ve reached the stage in my life that ALL of my friends are pregnant. So far I’ve been showering them with gifts of tie-dyed baby onesies (check them out on my Etsy and crocheted slippers and blankets. The things in this book would be amazing to be able to add to my gifts, as well as to give to my own future babies!

  82. aggie00 says:

    My sister is pregnant with her first baby. I am on a very tight budget but I really want to do something(s) special for her. Even though I have 3 kids of my own, I’m better at doing things for other people. Especially my sis, she has done so much for my and my babies, I really want to spoil her!

  83. kate g says:

    Because I am expecting a little baby girl, and her ENTIRE NURSERY features Anna Maria Horner fabric. I just need some new ideas from Anna, now, on how to use my leftover scraps!

  84. jaspermama says:

    i’m more inspired to make baby items than anything else…..2 babes of my own and lots of friends with wee ones!

  85. Kimba100 says:

    I have many friends and family back in Australia who are having/expecting babies and I’d love to send home some handmade love. Love Anna’s fabric and blog, this book looks fabulous!

  86. tewing says:

    I would love to get my hands on this book, it looks great, and there are a lot of new little ones showing up in my world.

  87. Amy says:

    I would love to get my hands on a copy of this book and start making little baby items. I am newly an Aunt and would love to be able to make something for my nephew.

  88. says:

    This book looks fantastic. My husband and I are expecting our first baby in mid July so it would definitely be well used!

  89. melonkelli says:

    It seems like everyone I know is pregnant! I’d love to make some cool gifts for them.

  90. JK says:

    I would love to have some cute new ideas for maternity clothes!

  91. JK says:

    I would love to have some cute new ideas for maternity clothes!

  92. Marcyne says:

    4 of my children are starting to have families of their own and I would love to have Anna Maria Horner’s Book “Handmade Beginnings” to create some memories for them and my grandchildren.

  93. rainydaykate says:

    So many of my friends are pregnant or have new babies and I love giving homemade gifts!

  94. sarah says:

    i love this! i just learned how to make sheets and changing pad covers, and im looking for more things to fill the last four weeks before my baby boy gets here!

  95. Fern says:

    I’d love to win this because some friends of mine are having babies soon and I’d like to make them semething lovely :)

  96. bluemonday says:

    I would love this book, because I love to make baby items! I am always looking for new, fun, creative ideas! I work at an Early Head Start Center and this book looks like it would give me some new ideas of things to make for our little students! Thanks!

  97. asklisam says:

    I read her blog everyday and would love to have a copy of her book! I just had a baby and have been enjoying sewing new things for her. asklisamATgmailDOTcom

  98. whimsybliss says:

    I love every thing crafty. I am actually planning on quitting my day job to raise a family and start my own business. The projects in this book will be a great warm up for both baby and oiling up my sewing skills! I would love to have this book!

  99. Shannon Easton-Carr says:

    I would love to have this book! I have a 10 week old, and I would really like to do some sewing for my family.

  100. melindasr5 says:

    My friends are starting to have babies and I want to give personal gifts that show I really care.

  101. melindasr5 says:

    My friends are starting to have babies and I want to give personal gifts that show I really care.

  102. Bloghappy says:

    I’m due in three weeks. I so need this. Many of the projects are things I’ve been wanting to make for quite awhile.

  103. Tarafurnas says:

    would love this since I just started sewing and found out I’m expectin. I love crafting and making things

  104. Tarafurnas says:

    i could so use this! I just found out i was pregnant and learned to sew last week!

  105. stblaize says:

    My crafty favorite cousin is going to spawn, and I would love to give her this book.

  106. LisaMarie says:

    I’ve got two baby showers coming up and my sister is having her fourth (ah!) baby all within the next two months. I need some great ideas for them. I love the nesting cubes – thanks so much for offering the pattern for free!

  107. jeneaevan says:

    Looks like a fantastic book, I love to sew and I would love to win!

  108. Beckysews says:

    We have our very first Grand daughter and I really want to spoil her!!! This book looks perfect.

  109. fatima says:

    I’m pregnant with my first baby and I would love to give him special gifts handmade just for him..

  110. Julie says:

    My daughter is trying to become pregnant and is the world’s most prolific crafter, knitter, seamstress, cook. She would love this book and would probably make everything in it.

  111. Kim S. says:

    I have a least 2 baby showers a year to go to and I love to make things for them. I love Anna Maria’s style. Thanks.

  112. caitlinpheasant says:

    i have been watching Anna’s blog for months now, waiting for this book and i am so excited to see it finally arrive.
    sewing is my passion, and i especially love anna maria’s style. i make children’s clothes for friends and family and i can’t wait to have a very good, very long look through this beautiful new book.
    thanks for this opportunity.

  113. caitlinpheasant says:

    i have been watching Anna Maria’s blog for months now, waiting for the arrival of this beautiful book. now i cant wait to get it and have a long, very thorough look through! (and make every item inside!) i am 17 years old and i make a lot of children’s clothes for family, friends and to sell at markets.
    i love homemade things, and am particularly inspired by anna maria’s style.
    thank you for this opportunity.

  114. Susana says:

    But also, I have a baby girl and some nieces that I want to craft for.

  115. golondrina306 says:

    I really love Anna Maria’s style when it comes to color and pattern. I know that I will love this book not mention that I’ve been on the hunt for my signature handmade baby gift. My mom always makes a crocheted baby blanket for the new little ones and I’ve always wanted to find my signature gift that would be extra special for mom and baby.

  116. Heather says:

    All of my friends are having babies! This would be great to have to make gifts for all of them.

  117. Mirabidi says:

    I am a beginning sewer and a new mom and I would love this book. The projects are beautiful.

  118. stacy says:

    I was JUST drooling over this book yesterday! Awesome! Aside from my own little balls of cuteness my sister is having her first!!! and I think she’d really love the inspiration–esp. the maternity clothes that aren’t…ahem…huge and ugly. :)

  119. stacy says:

    I was JUST drooling over this book yesterday! Thanks for the chance!

  120. stacy says:

    didn’t realize the new comments were at the top…ugh

  121. Clare says:

    I am expecting baby number 3 this year and for the first time I have energy, time, and the means to sew for my new baby! This book looks absolutely perfect! Especially if I have a boy after having my two sweet girls! :)

  122. Sara says:

    I would love to win this! I’m pregnant with my first baby and I can’t wait to start on cute sewing projects!

  123. simplysimon says:

    I would love to win because I am due with baby number two in late September & I want to get my hands on some summery maternity clothes. I would also love to make something special from this book for the baby. Thank you for the chance. -dez

  124. Dorion says:

    A good friend has recently discovered she’s preggers, and as the childless maker of the bunch, I KNOW everyone is going to expect a big production of any gift I make. But I need the inspiration!

  125. ellisonclan5 says:

    A friend let me know about this book and I would absolutely love to win it! It look beautiful and so creative. I just got my first sewing machine as a gift and I’m am now fully addicted. :o) Also, we’re on our way to becoming debt free so I’m always on the lookout for resources that are cheap or free! Yay giveaways!

  126. Elena says:

    I would love to win this book! I have a one month old and I’m loving sewing things for him! Thanks for the chance :)

  127. jenna says:

    i would love to win this book!. her fabrics are so beautiful!

  128. Malissa says:

    I recently stop working the usual 8 to 5 job to be with my little girl and to be able to be home to talk to my 5 yr old boy when he got home from school.
    I love following your blog and i think your fabrics are awesome. Sewing and photography makes me oh so happy!! I did recently purchase your last book but I would love to have your new one too!!
    Thank you for all the inspiration that you have gave me!!!!!

  129. says:

    Both my crafty sisters are pregnant and I know they would love this book!

  130. says:

    It seems all of my friends are pregnant these days. So soon I will have tons of little babies to spoil!

  131. says:

    what a gorgeous book. i would love it because we are currently trying for our third child, and because i *always* know someone who is expecting! anna maria is always an inspiration!

  132. Caroline says:

    A friend of mine is pregnant, and I’d love to make her something wonderful.

  133. Jennifer Ladd says:

    We are in the process of adopting baby #2 (from Ethiopia!) so this book would really come in handy!

  134. Sam says:

    Love the diaper bag.

  135. Sarah Vee says:

    This book looks fantastic! I love making baby quilts and bags. I also really admire Anna’s sense of colour and design and the wonderful prints she makes. Thanks for the chance!

  136. Miet V says:

    I am pregnant with my first baby (due end of August) and would love to make her some unique clothes and toys.
    And all the projects in this book seem just so lovely!

  137. says:

    I got so many wonderful hand made gifts when my daughter was on the way, now I’ve got tons of friends expecting, it’s time for me to give back and this book is sure to give me some great ideas.

  138. Lori says:

    I would LOVE this book. Not only are some of my friends expecting, but mine are still little enough to enjoy a lot of the projects listed. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  139. mommymae says:

    i would like the book because anna maria designs such beautiful items from clothes to quilts and baby toys. she’s a design inspiration.

  140. Jackie says:

    I would like to win this book because then I would have an extra $20 to buy more fun fabric to make the projects with! :)

  141. jame-jame says:

    i have good taste in craft books. good grief, this is AMH we’re talking about. nuff said.

  142. DebbieSoCalif says:

    Watched her video, love the dress, love the booties on the cover, love the blocks, love the swaddling doll — love it all!

  143. Roxy says:

    I’m on a team with 40 girls of childbearing age, several of which are pregnant at any given time! I am in desperate need of more home made baby gift ideas ;D

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