Sometimes the cosplay crowd really blows me away with their engineering and ability to take things from videos games that technically shouldn’t even be possible, and make them work reasonably well in real life.
Zibartas has recreated the cyberpunk 2077 mantis blades and he really nailed it, these look incredible.
Before you get too bent out of shape comparing these to a quick google search, you’ll note that his arms don’t physically disassemble to reveal these blades, like the famous ones from the game trailer. Zibartas addresses this in the beginning of the video by noting that within the game there are other versions that are closer to being physically possible.
I really appreciate the research he did in his creation of these blades. The parts he had to make up tend to fit perfectly with the aesthetic of the game and the end result is incredibly convincing.
Yes, these are incredible to look at, and no, they aren’t actually practical or usable but believe me, if you saw somoneone with these at a comicon, you’d be blown away.