There really was something for everyone at the Maker Faire. Here at the Crafster.org’s Kitschy Craft Contest, this little lady was keeping herself very busy decorating her craft project. For the rest of the crowd, many poured through the aisles outside at Bazaar Bizarre snatching up Mother Day’s gifts or to meet their crafting idols. I overheard many conversations that revolved around “how did you make that?” or “look, I made this from your book!” Jamie Chan gave me a full demonstration on how to hand-spin yarn because in the midst of working the fair, I was unable to sit down for her full hour workshop. It was quite fascinating and Jamie gave me a spindle and some yarn so I could practice at home.
The craft workshops were full and it was just amazing to see so many people in one place so happy and so concentrated on making things. The Craft Corner, our “crafting living room” housed some of our CRAFT magazine debut, but the area mostly was the brainchild of Syuzi Pakhchyan of SparkLab who is on the forefront of bridging technology and crafts through her work. She taught one of the most popular workshops, the Wearable Light Bracelet. It was fun to coordinate with Syuzi and get my own hands dirty by designing and sewing tablecloths and adding various decor to the setup. Throughout the fair, to take a break, many of the workshop instructors would go to the Craft Corner to chill and meet other crafters on their own. It was an amazing event on so many levels, especially for me as an organizer of the craft track to see all these passionate crafty people come together and for us all to meet new friends. Check out the rest of my crafting photos up on my Flickr. Link.