Ever wonder how much work went into creating your favorite knitting pattern? Hilary Smith Callis from theyarniad shared a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the knitwear pattern design process over on Whip Up!
After I’ve published a new pattern, I often talk about my inspiration for the design, but I only focus on what it looks like. Rarely, if ever, do I get down into the details of how the pattern itself comes about. In my fantasies, after I have an idea for a design and make a little sketch, I just sit down one day and knit the whole thing. But the truth is that there is a whole lot of planning and math that makes a design what it is. So I thought I’d tell the story of a pattern, my Indicum Pullover, from start to finish, and include all the gory details, whether glamorous or not (because seriously, math is not very glamorous).
After reading this article, I have a whole new respect for the time and effort that goes into designing a large-scale project like a knitted wearable, and I think you will too!