Dale writes – “Here’s one photo from last night’s Device-art 2.0 show in Zagreb, Croatis. There were a set of mostly fire-art performance pieces in an abandoned warehouse near the Seva River. The place is now a nightclub named MoÄvara, which means The Swamp. The evening was extremely loud, hot and smokey — everyone puffing away on cigs, sadly. This photograph is of a piece by Kal Spelletich from the Bay Area, one of six pieces he had at the show. Kal got a red-headed volunteer to stand in the middle of four pulse jets, which alternate shooting flame and making a booming sound. Kal controls the sequence via computer, making one very loud, throbbing instrument… BTW, there were at least two other pieces that were worse in terms of danger to the volunteer… The show continues Saturday night and Sunday. Device-Art 2.0 was organized by Kontejner, an art collective in Zagreb, and William Linn of Blasthaus Gallery in San Francisco.” – Link.