Dirty Don’s Margarita maker

Craft & Design
Dirty Don’s Margarita maker

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SCA Scot writes –

Sara’s uncle Don is a bit of a tinkerer. So, when you’ve got a small-block 400, a trailer, assorted parts and the ability to custom fabricate a 6-inch tall replica of a blender blade out of stainless steel, what do you do with your spare time?

Make the world’s fastest margarita machine.

Add: 6 bags of ice, and 18 bottles of ready-to-drink margarita mix. Turn ignition, and rev engine for 10 to 20 seconds. Open valve and enjoy.

Dirty Don’s Margarita Maker – [via] Link.


  • DIY Margarita Maker – Link.
  • DIY Margarita Maker Followup – Link.

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