This bot visualizes earthquakes as splotches of paint, squirting paint color coded to the strength of each quake.
Quakescape is a 3D fabricator that works by taking earthquake data from the site GeoNet (www.geonet.org.nz) and transferring it into the medium of art by using paint and Arduino technology. Quakescape creates a transformation of data that is often seen as negative and changes it into a completely different medium that is artistic, physical and uttely unique. The surface that the paint is extruded onto is a CNC routed landscape section of Christchurch. This acts as the blank canvas and allows the paint to move around the landscape creating amazing colourful visuals. The colours represent the magnitude of the earthquakes. The fabricator is run on two horizontal axis by stepper motors powered by G-code generated through Arduino. This allows the nozzle head to be moved to the precise location of the earthquake. Once location is determined paint is then pumped from the containers through the tubes and extruded out the nozzle. This is the moment where precise magnitudinal data gets transferred into an artform.
[via Inhabitat]