Embroidered Calvin and Hobbes Illustration - Make: Embroidered Calvin and Hobbes Illustration - Make:

Embroidered Calvin and Hobbes Illustration

Craft & Design Yarncraft
Embroidered Calvin and Hobbes Illustration


After starting this incredible embroidered Calvin and Hobbes Illustration for her son’s 7th birthday, Laura Hartrich persevered with rendering every excruciating detail of it and finally finished it for his 8th birthday!

It measures about 12”x14”. It is absolutely the most dense and detailed embroidery piece I have made to date. For the first time ever, I kept a loose tally of the hours I was working on this piece, just out of curiosity. By the end I was up to 95 hours. It was an intense project. I am so happy to have it done and hanging up.



[via padalote]

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes. http://www.andrewsalomone.com

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