Eyelash switch: cyborg-style human interface device

Craft & Design Technology
Eyelash switch: cyborg-style human interface device

Eyelidhid 20070910
Jason writes –

With some conductive fabric and spirit gum, you can make a simple binary switch that attaches to your eyelids. Andrew Schneider used some of these to make a polaroid camera that takes a snapshot when you blink.

When I first saw these, I was reminded of cyborgs in television and film and how they typically exhibit facial twitches when receiving data or jacking in to the network brain. I always thought the apparent “glitch” was sort of a stupid film device, but mabe it’s not that far from the future truth. Left wink, change music track. Right wink, shoot photo with the camera tilak in your forehead. Triple-blink, stimulate adrenal gland to release epinephrine. Eyes closed for one minute, dose of melatonin.

Eyelash switch: cyborg-style human interface device – [via] Link.

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