Michael Albert
Where are you located?
White Plains, NY
What is your day job?
American Pop Artist / Author/ Businessman (I started & own a juice & jam company called Sir Real)
Personal Website | Art Website | Pinterest | Facebook
What kinds of stuff do you make?
I make collages from Cereal Boxes (and other cardboard consumer packages).
How did you get started making stuff?
Wanting to make my own original art I started experimenting with a variety of mediums and discovered the cereal box collage
What is something that you’ve made that you’re really proud of?
My many creations using these materials, see my pinterest boards for many examples!
What is next on your project list?
Art Documentary Film about my art & workshops, also ongoing collage creations with these materials
what is something you’d like to work with but you haven’t yet?
Not sure…I try to leave myself open to new ideas & possibilities which is how I discovered the cereal box collage idea
Any advice for people reading this?
Experiment with different materials & enjoy the process of making art & if you persist you’ll come up with something good, I promise!
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