Flora has Arrived in the Maker Shed!

Craft & Design
Flora has Arrived in the Maker Shed!

We just received a limited number of the long-awaited Adafruit Flora in the Maker Shed! This versatile e-textiles platform enables you to make “smart” clothing other stitch-able projects that can interact with their environment. The Flora comes in a starter pack so you can get up and running with projects right out of the box.


The kit includes the Flora motherboard, GPS module, 8 addressable full color LEDs, components to make your own wearable TV-B-Gone, 2 thicknesses of conductive thread, needles, gator clips for prototyping, USB cable, batteries, and battery holder.

This really makes me want to create a speed sensitive jacket to wear while night skiing. I’m not sure what color to use for crash though…

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I am the Evangelist for the Maker Shed. It seems that there is no limit to my making interests. I'm a tinkerer at heart and have a passion for solving problems and figuring out how things work. When not working for Make I can be found falling off my unicycle, running in adverse weather conditions, skiing down the nearest hill, restoring vintage motorcycles, or working on my car.

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