Functional art pinhole cameras – Wayne Martin Belger

Craft & Design
Functional art pinhole cameras – Wayne Martin Belger

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Artist Wayne Martin Belger makes incredible “found art” and hand milled pinhole cameras that take photos and are amazing sculptures in themselves…

“All the cameras are machined out of 6061 (aircraft quality) aluminum with tolerances kept within 1000th of an inch to ensure the cameras will be completely light tight and function smoothly.

They all have stainless steel tripod mounts, adjustable focal lengths (with the exception of the Bee camera) and will take a standard 4×5 Polaroid back. Other parts can range from stainless steel surgical tools, rusty parts from abandoned mining camps in the Mojave and Death Valley Deserts, to insects, plants, carved bone, and even a real human heart in the back of one of the camera’s pressure plates.” [via] – Link.


  • Photos (color) – Link.
  • Photos (black & white) – Link.
  • The Sacred and Profane – Link.
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