Download and Print Maker Mayhem, the Hackerspace Board Game - Make: Download and Print Maker Mayhem, the Hackerspace Board Game - Make:

Download and Print Maker Mayhem, the Hackerspace Board Game

3D Printing & Imaging Craft & Design Digital Fabrication Fun & Games
Download and Print Maker Mayhem, the Hackerspace Board Game

Check out this really lovely laser-cut and 3D printed board game created by Barb Noren of Barb Makes Things.

Here Barb describes how the project came together:

I am all about the maker movement, and I’ve been watching a lot of TableTop lately. Seeing all of those different game designs got me thinking about how I’d do my own. You make what you know and love, so I made a game for the maker movement, embracing some of its best traits: openness, collaboration, community, and learning.

Openness – The game and its files are freely available for whomever wants to make it. You’re encouraged to change things (the materials, the rules, etc), and also strongly encouraged to share your modifications. There is an intentionally low barrier to entry; I lasercut my tiles, but if you have access to a printer, you can simply print and cut out most game components.

Collaboration – From the beginning, I was firm on this being co-operative rather than competitive between players, because there is so much sharing of information and helping each other out in the maker movement. Also, co-operative games are just fun.

Community – Part of the game board is made up of Makerspace tiles, which can be customized to reflect your local makerspaces or any other set you choose.

Learning – Another set of tiles on the game board are the learning spaces. Each is named for an actual source of information that can get you acquiring a skill in real life.

So, how do you play?

Maker Mayhem is a co-operative board game for the maker movement. Three to six players work together to meet the requirements of a wild project, such as a giant robotic duck. Draw a skill badge and use related Resource cards at friendly hackerspaces all over the board. Visit learning sites to get new skill badges. And beware the Chaos deck, which might help you along, or set you way behind. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the clock, because you have a deadline!

There are some useful tricks used in the making of the game pieces, such as coloring the laser-etched playing pieces by going over the etched areas with a Sharpie and then cleaning away the surface with alcohol.

The game was designed by Barb and Chris Ellerby and is released under Creative Commons. You can see the full project instructions on Instructables and download all of the files to print.

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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