Haunted Dollhouse From The Bloggess - Make: Haunted Dollhouse From The Bloggess - Make:

Haunted Dollhouse From The Bloggess

Craft & Design

Late last night, Jenny The Bloggess posted a link on Twitter to pictures of a stunningly beautiful haunted dollhouse she’s been building for ten years. Rightfully, folks went nuts. The details are amazing. She’s included a spiral staircase, secret passageways, and lots of personal touches like a globe pencil sharpener from her childhood that’s been aged and dressed with a tiny raven. It’s been fun to hear back from her in comments on Flickr about how she created some of the tiny elements. She took a picture of an Ouija board, shrunk it down and painted it to look old. She spent eight hours cutting out the tiniest Tarot cards you could ever imagine. She scavenged props from toys and even filled the attic as a “dumping ground for things that don’t fit in the house.” Be sure to check out all her pictures on Flickr.

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