Project HiJack is an elegant take on an old idea. Ye-Sheng Kuo, Thomas Schmid, and Prabal Dutta from the University of Michigan’s EECS Department have done the iPhone hacking world a solid by producing one of the coolest little pieces of kit to come around in a long time. In short, the device can pull several milliwatts at 3 V and communicate at 8.82 kbaud using the iPhone’s headset port. Its design encourages the use of daughterboard peripherals to sense and collect data. Source code and schematics are available here. Also, it’s not limited to the iPhone and they are actively working on supporting apps for Android and WP7. [via Slashdot]
HiJack is a hardware/software platform for creating cubic-inch sensor peripherals for the mobile phone. HiJack devices harvest power and use bandwidth from the mobile phone’s headset interface. The HiJack platform enables a new class of small and cheap phone-centric sensor peripherals that support plug-and-play operation.