Makescreenname writes – “Late this summer, hummingbirds finally began visiting the feeder we’d put up on our back porch. I wanted to try and get some digital shots of them, but couldn’t stand there with a camera “in range”–they’d never come.
I needed a remote cable release so I could set the camera up on a tripod, aim it at the hummingbird feeder, and release the shutter from a distance away. Problem is, my camera, like most digital snapshooters, isn’t equipped for remote shutter release.
Although an earlier instructable had a great hack for opening up the camera and tapping into its electronics, I didn’t want to permanently modify my camera, and wasn’t sure I would be able to do the surgery without damaging something.
So after some thought, I designed this simple fixture using low-tech parts readily available for $10 or less that allows you to leave your camera intact, but still allows you to “sneak” up on wildlife, have camera on elevated position, and other remote-shutter release situations.” – Link.