ITP show: Brushbots, Paint Brushes with a mind of their own

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ITP show: Brushbots,  Paint Brushes with a mind of their own

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Brushbots are little bot-like paint brushes that make art on their own…

Brush Bots are tiny machines that work in tandem with the user in creating generative art. Released on top of a piece of paper, the BrushBots zoom, careen, and spin around the interior of a simple wooden frame in wild and unpredictable patterns. The user then drops ink, paint, or liquid water colors onto the blank page, providing the Bots with a medium with which to work. As these autonomous paint brushes plow throw the puddles of pigment, they mix colors and leave beautiful patterns in their wakes. The user and the Bots work together, neither party having full control over the piece, creating a unique work of art.

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