I’m one of those rare crafters who’s equally comfortable with both knitting and crochet—I’ve been doing both for years, and I’m constantly switching back and forth between them. Even so, there are certain skills that always seem so much easier in one than in the other, and, for me, weaving in ends is definitely one of them. I have no problem securing, hiding, and blending in ends in crochet, but it never seems to go quite as smoothly in my knitting projects. (That said, when it comes to working in the round, knitting wins hands down!)
Sound familiar? I propose that we fix this problem once and for all! If you too are an experienced knitter whose finishing skills need an upgrade—or maybe you’re a new knitter just learning for the first time—I definitely encourage you to check out this awesome roundup of 8 techniques for weaving in yarn ends on The Purl Bee!
If I’m being honest, the reason I’ve been having so much trouble weaving in ends in knitting is that I’ve been approaching each project with a one-size-fits-all technique. And, while that might work in crochet, it’s definitely not the best way to approach the task in knitting.
Got stockinette? Ribbing? Garter stitch? Check out the best method for weaving in the ends on your specific project over on The Purl Bee.