Our friend, master needle felter Jackie Huang, recently came out with an amazing new book, called Woolbuddies. In it, Jackie goes through the basics of how to get started needle felting, and then he shows you how to make animals that are simple, moderate, and challenging. His creatures are so gorgeous — they remind me of cartoon characters. Some of you may remember the tutorial for needle felting a Totoro that Jackie shared with us earlier this year.
Here’s an animated GIF showing how to make Amelia the Owl. Hoo! Hoo!
Book Giveaway!
We are giving away three copies of Woolbuddies to Craft readers! Just comment on this post, naming your favorite animal (real or fictional — and it doesn’t have to be a Woolbuddies character), and we will pick three people at random. One comment per person, please. Good luck! (Begins 10/8/13 at 07:30am PT; ends 10/9/13 at 07:29am PT)
This is a Chronicle Books-sponsored post.