The four talented artists of Oakland’s Lost and Foundry studio need little introduction. Nemo Gould, Jeremy Mayer, Alan Rorie, and Christopher T. Palmer (CTP), have come together to create and nurture a unique space in an old foundry in the South Prescott neighborhood of Oakland. The substantial space, with its high wood-beamed ceilings and its classic brick backdrop is home to each artist’s workspace as well as a central communal gallery in the entry. A huge fan of their artwork, I’m honored to be working on a feature story about the Lost and Foundry for the upcoming MAKE Volume 34. The research trips I’ve taken there with our photographer Gregory Hayes have left us both buzzing with inspiration. These gentlemen are wildly talented, and the vibe they’re creating is singular and noteworthy.
Tired of having all your art experiences online? This weekend, on February 9, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., they’re hosting an open studio event at 305-319 Center Street in West Oakland. Come check out the space and works they’ve created. More info is available on the event page. Seen above is the event flyer Jeremy made, featuring the Lost and Foundry shop cat Ingot in foldable paper form.
Since our last visit, the Lost and Foundry has had three new artists join the collective: Jeff Hantman, Benjamin Carpenter, and Matt Feeney. They aren’t completely moved into the space as of yet, but Jeff and Benjamin will be showing pieces at the open studio. The Lost and Foundry still has two shipping container studio spaces available for the right artists. If you’re interested, come check out the open studio event or email them at lostandfoundryoakland@gmail.com.
Pieces are being installed and the gallery is filling up for Saturday’s show:
For a sneak peak into the artist’s workshop spaces, check out these shots Gregory Hayes took on one of our Lost and Foundry visits.
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