Make a Pretty Woven Necklace with Beadwork

Craft & Design
Make a Pretty Woven Necklace with Beadwork

Make a Pretty Woven Necklace with Beadwork

Try your hand at weaving with a fun small-scale project—make yourself a pretty woven necklace with beadwork!

Make a Pretty Woven Necklace with Beadwork

You don’t need special equipment to pick up this new craft skill. Grab some cotton twine and a handful of beads in your favorite color, and you’ll have a unique piece of jewelry in no time.

Ready to give it a try?

Check out this easy-to-follow woven necklace tutorial that Rachel from Smile and Wave shared on A Beautiful Mess.

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Haley Pierson-Cox from Red-Handled Scissors is a maker of crafts, a lover of cats, an avid swearing enthusiast, a cross-stitch book author, and a general purveyor of quirk. She's also sometimes an irritable cartoon named Tiny Cranky Haley.

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