Last weekend, AS220 held its annual Fools Ball, a fundraiser that also happens to be Rhode Island’s best party of the year. MAKE sponsored the event and provided copies of the magazine to attendees who signed up for an AS220 membership.
It was an incredible event. In addition to using the main AS220 building (Empire St, Providence) AS220 borrowed Trinity Rep’s Pell-Chafee performance center and split it in half: one side was a kind of science fair, the other a dance floor. There was all sorts of cool stuff in the science fair:
- The Make table with lots of projects. (See the earlier Make posts on the YBox2 Dashboard and FoolsBrd).
- Jeremy Radtke’s and Patrick Renner’s mechanical contraption made of junk found in the AS220 basement
- Will Brierly’s homebrewed video game in a homebrewed cabinet.
- An excellent light sculpture from Robert Kieronski of Lumion.
- Shawn Wallace’s Arduino-powered police sketchbot where you set the parameters for nose, hair, eyes,
etc - Susan Clausen’s sonic throwie wall. (Previously on Make)
- Nick Yulman’s orchestra of gizmos
And that was just the view from the Make tables. Elsewhere, there were performances, an open house in the Broad Street Studio (AS220’s transitional arts program for at-risk youth), a bicycle-powered ice-cream maker, and a lot more. Check out all the photos tagged Fools Ball.