Today is an interesting day for portable ebook readers, looks like there was a bit of a leak and Amazon’s Kindle e-book reader made a debut – Link. And more exciting, well, for me, I got my hands on the new Sony reader that will be coming out soon and immediately starting making/using/creating content, including the start of another MAKE e-ink version, woo!
I’m going to load it up with a ton of books and take it on a trip this week, along with some audio (it plays MP3 and AAC). I’ll have more about this shortly. One quick thing to mention, the reader loads in plain ole’ text files wonderfully and they look great, I’m loading up a 1GB SD card with a ton of books from Project Gutenberg.
It’s an interesting opportunity for the ebook reader market, Sony, Amazon and the iLiad eReader from iRex all use the same hardware/specs/tech – this is *good* thing.
Here are a couple pics, more soon – Link.