3D printing and laser-cutting have had a major impact on the world of tabletop gaming. There are now hundreds of design files available on sites like Thingiverse for game components, playing aids, terrain for wargames and RPGs, and more. But what about all of the other components you might want for customizing/expanding an existing game or bringing your own game design to the table?
Once again, the amazing video tutorials of YouTube to the rescue! You will find videos on every single aspect of handmade game production, from making game boxes and boards, to markers and chits, to counters and cards.
Below is just a sampling of what’s currently available. While lots of game crafters have tutorials, Dining Table Print and Play is a great one-stop source for creating most paper-based game components.
And here’s a Make: how-to by Sean Ragan on how to make your own gaming pieces using Shrinky Dink.