Breeze is an incredible marquetry artist. A few years ago, he stayed with us while showing his work at the Duxbury Art Association. My mother saw his work and commissioned a custom designed table inspired by her photos of Costa Rica.
T. Breeze VerDant…started his woodworking experience by building a log cabin from his own trees and rocks, hauling the logs by hand with a “come-along”. He consequently demolished buildings for building materials and built another home entirely from lumber he harvested selectively from a friend’s forest (thereby saving it from being clear-cut). Expressing ones self through house building is a tedious method of expression. It also consumes a lot of trees, which “Breeze” has an affinity for. “My mother knew where to find me at dinner time, she’d stick her head out of the door of the kitchen and yell…. upwards!”. Breeze has run power lines, studied and practiced massage and the healing arts; He is a singer/songwriter/guitarist/poet and an activist for peace and the environment. Breezes aim with wood is to create and share the greatest amount of beauty while consuming the smallest amount of wood. Breeze has been practicing marquetry full time since 1988.
I love musical instruments. Music is sacred, it’s an accessible realm that tells me that there is more that the consensus reality. It comes from within. To do the marquetry on the guitars is just great…to help create an object that has active function in the world. People hold the guitars as special to themselves and make beautiful music with them.