Have you made a flower out of currency this weekend? Get to it! I’m still waiting to see some creative currency in the Make: Flickr Pool
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In other news, I posted an mp3 of the music I made for this video and some folks sent in requests for more so I put together a little zip file of 21 music bits from the past few months of videos. These aren’t really things that you would just like listen to as a music album, but they have worked really well for me as background music during time lapse video and for transitions and these kinds of things. If you’d like to use them in your videos, that would make me happy! I released them under a cc attribution license, so go forth, download, and integrate them into your videos! More info and the zip file here. – Link
I’m looking to go beyond garageband in 2008, feel free to give me input and advice in the comments!