How-To: Make a Daft Punk Helmet - Make: How-To: Make a Daft Punk Helmet - Make:

How-To: Make a Daft Punk Helmet

How-To: Make a Daft Punk Helmet

Here’s an amazing how-to from Harrison Krix, a self-proclaimed dork living in Atlanta who spent 17 months (yes, months) designing and building this awesomely cool Daft Punk Helmet. Then he got a photographer friend to snap some shots of him wearing the helmet in various situations. More merry fun and the complete step-by-step how-to can be found on his Volpin Props website!

Daft Punk helmet at the coffeeshop

And it looks like he’s also just finished a replica of Cassandra’s Digamma Sword that’s a beauty as well!


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