The first time I saw a Thing-a-ma Kit in person was at the Bent Festival in NYC. Ever since then I have wanted to build one for myself. That was about a year ago, and I finally have the opportunity to put one together. I was surprised at how many parts there are in the kit. Another nice surprise was the discovery that the 2 coiled up antennae are readymade.
Make, mod, hack, and bend your own analog noise monster! The Thing-a-ma Kit is a DIY analog synthesizer that you control in a different way. The amount of light falling on its photocell eyes change the pitch and modulation, allowing to you use it LEDacles, or any changing light source, to created audio madness! If none are in stock, take note, more are on the way!
I really like the quality of the components. The switches, potentiometers, and knobs are all really nice. The project box is really heavy-duty too!
- Two ready to blink LEDacles : Random square wave and Triangle wave with shape and speed control.
- Second photocell patchable to modulator and LEDacle rate.
- Square and Triangle wave output.
- Detailed instructions including info on modifications.
- Fully labeled components.
- Simply circuit board with minimal hand wiring.
- Control panel and face stickers.
You can pick up a Thing-a-ma Kit in the Maker Shed. I’ll be making mine over the weekend and I’ll post a video when I’m done. See you next week. Beep, bop, beep-beep.