The latest issue of MAKE, Volume 23, features another one of Tom Parker’s whimsical projects made from coins. The idea behind his column, Make: Money, is to show how to make useful objects out of coins (and a few other scrap items) that cost less than the price of a similar mass-produced item.
In previous issues, Tom has made shirt buttons, a fishing lure, a mouse trap, a chess set, salt & pepper shakers, pinhole glasses, a bottle opener, and wind chimes out of coins. In this issue, Tom shows how he made a pennywhistle he made using four pennies, some scrap copper tubing, a bit of copper wire, solder, and a piece of bamboo.
Not only does the whistle looks neat, it sounds great, too!

From the pages of MAKE Volume 23:

MAKE Volume 23, Gadgets

This special issue is devoted to machines that do delightful and surprising things. In it, we show you how to make a miniature electronic Whac-a-Mole arcade game, a tiny but mighty see-through audio amp, a magic mirror that contains an animated soothsayer, a self-balancing one-wheeled Gyrocar, and the Most Useless Machine (as seen on The Colbert Report!). Plus we go behind the scenes and show you how Intellectual Ventures made their incredible laser targeting mosquito zapper — yes, it’s real, and you wish you had one for your patio barbecue. All this and much, much more.