The Pico Synth Sandbox Is A Fun Way To Explore Making Your Own Synth With CircuitPython

Music Raspberry Pi
The Pico Synth Sandbox Is A Fun Way To Explore Making Your Own Synth With CircuitPython

If there’s one lesson I’ve learned from all the synth fanatics I know, it is that there are never enough synths. In the world of synths, exploration is the true fun and this project brings an interesting twist.

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ReLiC has put together this cool little kit, the Pico Synth Sandbox. It has all kinds of cool features to make exploring the world of synths both fun and educational. The hardware has a friendly little keyboard for playing, a volume knob, an LCD display and of course the Raspberry Pi 2040.

They’re utilizing CircuitPython for all the programming, which means that this should be very accessible to beginners both in how CircuitPython’s syntax works and the fact that you don’t need a compiler. Go to the website to learn more about how this thing works and how you can get your hands on one!

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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