Voice of Saturn synth kits - Make: Voice of Saturn synth kits - Make:

Voice of Saturn synth kits

Music Technology
Voice of Saturn synth kits

The Voice of Saturn synthesizer modules are available as basic (and bendable) complementary kits with control voltage connections.

Description of the VoS synth –

Loosely based on the Atari Punk Console with some custom tweaks and an LFO front end, this box makes a ridiculous amount of different sounds (mp3 coming soon), all from three 555s. Watch the video or download the mp3 for some samples. Comes as a bare-bones kit, an everything-kit with knobs and case, and a fully-assembled and tested version. It’s open source and has small area on the pcb for easy circuit bending. Skill level: Beginner / Intermediate

Highly legible schematic and wiring diagram is available for those with parts stocked. Nice kit, nice case! – Voice of Saturn Sequencer & Synth

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