My sister recently mentioned to me that her two and a half year old daughter loves to look at photos of people’s faces, and that a photo book of our family would be a great Christmas gift.
I just so happened to stumble upon this perfect example of how to do it right! An ABC book starring your family is a great way for children to learn words by matching them with things they see everyday (their own toys, family, pets, etc).
ChiWei from One Dog Woof has done such an amazing job with her book, I cannot wait to start making mine. I am so impressed with the photography ChiWei has done. It is obvious that a lot of time and thought went into putting this together. I am sure that whoever your make your book for will be so touched at the thoughtfulness of your creation.
This tutorial gives a step by step look the process of putting the book together, including all the hiccups along the way. A fantastic resource to look at if you would like to make your own.
Click here for the full how-to.