By Haley Pierson-Cox
Send out a cheerful greeting for any occasion with this colorful bunting card with string writing!
It’s always nice to have a handmade card or two tucked away, ready to pull out for special events or handwritten hellos. So, inspired by the beautiful summer bunting that’s been popping up just about everywhere lately, I designed this fun little card that can be used for just about any joyful occasion. Make one today, and send out some serious DIY smiles!
Cardstock, one 4½” x 3″ white rectangle and one 7″ x 5″ blue rectangle
Small notecard or scrap piece of cardstock, at least 1″ x 1″
Envelope, 3 ⅝” x 5 ⅛”
Pearl cotton embroidery floss, 60″ of green size 8
Fabric Scraps, at least 3 colors
White glue
Warm water, 2 TBS
Small mixing bowl
E-6000 craft adhesive
Fray Check
Wax paper, at least 4½” x 3″
Scotch tape
Scissors, fabric and paper
Permanent marker, fine tip
Pen or pencil
Straight pin
2-3 Toothpicks
Step 1: First, we’re going to make the string letters.
To begin, tape the wax paper to your workspace (just the corners will do), then use your ruler and a permanent marker to draw a 4½” x 3″ rectangle in the center.
Step 2: A mixture of white glue and water is used to create the string letters and make sure that they hold their shape.
To prepare the glue, combine 2 TBS of white glue with 4 TBS of warm water in the mixing bowl, then stir them together with a toothpick until thoroughly incorporated. When the glue mixture is ready, carefully submerge the embroidery floss in the liquid, taking care not to twist or knot the string.
Step 3: Using the rectangle on the wax paper as a guide, use your fingers and a toothpick to arrange the glue-covered string to form the letters for “happy happy” as shown. If needed, you can write the letters out first on a piece of scrap paper, the place it under the wax paper as a template. The two words and bunting are all connected, so only one piece of string is used for the writing.
When you’re done making the letters, set the piece of wax paper aside and allow the glue to dry and harden completely.
Tips for writing with string:
• Make sure you stay within the lines—the rectangle you drew on the wax paper is the same size as the white rectangle that you will attach the letters to when you make the card.
• Work as quickly as you can so that the string doesn’t start to dry while you’re arranging it.
• If the string gets stiff or too sticky while you’re working with it, apply a little bit of water with the tip of your finger as needed.
• Use a straight pin or toothpick to make small adjustments to the shape and placement of the letters once they’re on the wax paper.
Step 4: While the letters dry, it’s time to get started on the bunting.
Fold a notecard or scrap piece of cardstock in half, then cut out a triangle shaped template as shown above. My triangle was ⅜” wide and ½” long.
Using your scrap fabric, cut out at least 16 fabric triangles using the template as a guide. To keep them from fraying, apply Fray Check around the edges of each.
Step 5: Now, it’s time to attach the string writing to the white rectangle.
Use a straight pin to carefully remove the hardened string letters from the wax paper. Place the letters on the white rectangle, then use a toothpick to apply a thin layer of E-6000 (or your favorite fabric-to-paper adhesive) to the back of each letter before pressing it firmly into place. Continue gluing until both words are securely attached to the paper.
Step 6: Use the top of a toothpick to gently rub away any excess glue from around the letters.
Step 7: Use white glue to attach the fabric triangles to the string between the two words. You can use a toothpick to make any necessary adjustments once the triangles have been placed.
Step 8: Fold the blue rectangle in half width-wise, then use white glue to attach the white rectangle to the blue rectangle as shown.
Once all adhesives have dried completely, you can put your finished card in a 3 ⅝” x 5 ⅛” envelope and send it on its way!
Done! Now let’s get down to the most important part: Who’s getting your first bunting card?
About the Author:
Haley Pierson-Cox is a Brooklyn-based craft writer who loves granny glasses and loathes extraneous apostrophes. She blogs about crafts, cats, domestic bliss, and DIY goodness at The Zen of Making.