When the printer botched a batch of art books by Mexican designers Mauricio and Sebastian Lara, they invited 11 other designers to create new objects using the useless books as raw material. Alberto Villareal’s answer? Cut and weave them into a jumbo-sized mesh, then lay them up in resin to make a bombproof, beautiful skateboard deck.
Villareal and his team at AGENT sliced the books to take advantage of the full-color artwork inside, and made a mold from an ordinary skate deck to achieve the compound curves required. A fitting tribute to the Lara brothers, whose Guadalajara design firm EOS Mexico is known for surprises and panache. “We thought the playful aspect of the Lara brothers’ work should be represented in a piece you can play with, interact with,” says Villareal. “Something you can use and eventually fall off.” Villareal describes how they did it in this video. Lots more photos and details here.
Spotted by Paul Spinrad at a recent Pecha Kucha show-and-tell in San Francisco.
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