Embroidery Embellished Family Portraits - Make: Embroidery Embellished Family Portraits - Make:

Embroidery Embellished Family Portraits

Craft & Design Photography & Video Yarncraft
Embroidery Embellished Family Portraits


These are probably the most adorable family portraits I have ever seen. What a perfect use for iron on transfers! The monochrome portraits are suited so well by the little pop of color from the embroidery thread. You don’t need to be a stitching expert at all to pull off this sweet little project.

This definitely reminds me of when we were taught how to add paint to our black and white prints in high school photography class. I love this modern day spin on embellishing black and white photography.


This project comes to us from Bethany at The Glamorous Housewife. Click on over to get the full how-to!

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Maker Extraordinaire from Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. Lover of all things CNC and handmade.

agnesmakes.com @agawaffle

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