I drew Adam Flaherty for my MAKE Secret Santa. Here he is pictured toasting with Marc de Vinck at FOO camp. He’s a gadget enthusiast, and when I ran into him in the O’Reilly parking lot in Sebastopol, CA last week, he was holding a 2-liter bottle solar lantern – it looked like a bottle of light, and I’m excited to see him document his build based on this previous post.
Here are a few of Adam’s finer projects:
- Mobile Document Camera Stand, which also appeared in MAKE v27
- Pringles Can Antenna
After reading Adam’s blog posts on MAKE, it’s clear he’s dedicated to cell phone photography. He posts cell phone tripod adapters, and even made a DIY version of the Manfrotto Variable Friction Magic Arm. I noticed he’s got a harsh fluorescent light on his desk, which simply will not do. With this light fixture and softbox, his project documentation photos will turn out great, even when he insists shooting on his phone. Happy xmas, Adam!