Waldemeyer (one of my favorite and prolific makers in the world) has a stunning POV project…
I just returned from the Milano Salone del Mobile which was very unusual for me: no large and complicated show pieces this year. Instead a small but significant project, a piece of jewelry for Flos to mark the start of a new working relationship that will develop new lighting designs in the near future. The small brooch uses the principle of persistence of vision to recreate the Flos logo in light. When moved the 7 tiny LEDs draw the logo in space, a subtlety that can be discovered unintentionally when glancing past the lights, yet remains hidden when the onlooker focuses onto the brooch.
Make a MiniPov! A third generation of original MiniPOV, this is an easy way to build blinky fun: no microcontroller-programming device is needed, and the source code is in C not assembly.