Rerooting Blythe Doll Hair – CRAFT Video Podcast

Craft & Design
Rerooting Blythe Doll Hair – CRAFT Video Podcast

I started getting interested in Blythe when I wanted to make a three-dimensional self portrait, and was dumbfounded by the enormous community of customizers working with the Blythe Doll. One of the main online sources for customization is Puchi Collective, which houses oodles of tops for changing her eyechips, face makeup, and clothes. I was mainly interested in rerooting her hair, as the doll I acquired from co-blogger Jenny Ryan had blonde hair, and I wanted to use my own wavy red hair from a recent haircut. I made this video to illustrate the process, based on text-and-image tutorials I found on Puchi and Flickr. View on craftzine:

Music is Yellow Cactus by I, Cactus:

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