Console modder extraordinaire Ben Heck presents this post-Portal take on Evan Booth’s classic gaping hole costume.
- The Ben Heck Show premiers
- A visit to Ben Heck’s lab
- PS3 Slim laptop
- Commodore 64 reincarnated in laptop form
- How-To: Breath controlled kick drum for Guitar Hero
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – His own MGDpc!
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Max PC (featuring the Hulk)
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Wolfenstein PC!
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Half-Life 2 PC
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Gameboy XP PC!
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – the Telecaclulograph!
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Russian TV PC!
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – WMD PC
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Chernobyl PC!
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Atari 800 ITX
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Aperture Science PC!
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – The Works of Jeffrey Stephenson
- Benheck’s PC Mod Pick of the Day – Project: Passive!
- The 3PS60 Controller
- NES-in-a- cartridge
- Apple IIgs laptop build
- Ben Heck goes inside the 360 Elite
- HOW TO – Make a PS360 controller
- HOW TO – Make an Xbox 360 laptop (part 1)
- PS3 six axis controller in an Xbox 360 controller
- 7 years of portable console modding
- HOW TO – Make a Wii Laptop
- HOW TO – Make a Wii laptop
- The Wii laptop
- HOW TO – Design a 2D robo-hand & Atari 800 laptop – Ben Heck
- Single-handed wireless Xbox 360 controller
- HOW TO – Consolize an arcade game
- Atari Jaguar – the portable version
- HOW TO – Make an analog control stick for your Sony PSP
- Xbox 360 laptop
- nPod – NES portable
- Pancake-like VCSp – Portable 2600
- Interview with Ben Heck – Console Hacker Extraordinaire
- Homemade Atari 800 XE Laptop…
- NES “micro”
- Homemade Neo Geo MVS Portable