Gamelatron and other projects by MAKE friends such as Ranjit Bhatnagar and Gaylen Hamilton are filling the old St. Cecilia convent in Greenpoint Brooklyn with sound, visual, and multi-media art this weekend:
Rabid Hands is pleased to present Sequence of Waves, the collective’s inaugural sound, visual and multi-media art exhibition. The exhibition is open to the public for one day only, on Saturday, January 29th at St. Cecilia’s Gallery in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and will include scheduled performances. Formerly a convent and school, St. Cecilia’s Gallery is now a hub for rotating art exhibitions and film screenings, effectively bringing life back into the three-story building.
Recognizing the potential for discovery and experimentation in the St. Cecilia building, Rabid Hands has gathered over 40 artists to transform this space during their two-week residency. Given the narrow hallways and cordoned off rooms, the architecture of the building does not inherently lend itself to one large, continuous visual space, nor does it necessarily encourage group investigation. Instead of approaching the architecture as an obstacle, artists will use sound as the organizing and uniting principle. Embracing complete freedom, Rabid Hands encourages all participating artists to look beyond the confines of their personal forms and methods and merge their dialogue with the broader group. While individual works can be seen, what will emerge, more importantly, is the story of how these artists can influence the outcome of each other’s work by way of true collaboration.
Works will vary from: a “red carpet” of bubble wrap weaving through the convent’s hallways; an amalgamation of the exhibition’s microphone cords ascending a three-story tall sculpture made of found materials in the central stairwell, poised for sonic and aerial performance; a robotically controlled symphony of recordings filling the convent’s chapel with sound, as well as many other collaborative projects.
Participating artists include: Adriana Atema, Ranjit Bhatnagar, Alex Drewchin, Terence Caulkins, Skye Chamberlain, Nick Chatfield-Taylor, Ryan Chin, G. Lucas Crane, Jesse Cronan, Vanessa Cronan, Alex Drewchin, Jan Drojarski, Serra Victoria Bothwell Fels, Jessica Findley, Lillian Gerson, Kendall Glover, Jesse Gold, George Graham, Doktor Greg, James Haddrill, Gaylen Hamilton, Maya Hayuk, Travis Iurato, Elijah Kast, Victoria Keddie, Jesse Kreuzer, Taylor Kuffner, Roberto Lange, Steven Ma, Lili Maya, Zelijko McMullen, Steven Milton, Rob Minervini, Caleb Mitchell, Ben Mortimer, Kelly Nicholson, Ryan O’Connor, Brian Osborne, Mike O’Toole, Brandon Perry, Zac Poff, Nandan Rao, Allen Riley, John Roach, James Rouvelle, Amanda Salane, Isabella Scott, Tod Seelie, Ben Simon, Phillip Stearns, Martyna Szcz, Heidi Tullmann, Emily Willis, Ben Wolf, Nick Yulman, Tyler Zwiep.
Rabid Hands presents
Sequence of Waves
Saturday, January 29th 2011
2pm to 9pm
St. Cecelia’s Convent
21 Monitor Street, Greenpoint, Brooklyn
$Free, but accepting donations.