Star Trek fan soldly goes…

Craft & Design
Star Trek fan soldly goes…

Congrats to Tony for selling his Star Trek flat!

SCI-FI fan Tony Alleyne has sold his Star Trek-themed flat for an astronomical £425,000 — FIVE TIMES its market value.

Enterprising Tony, 54, worked eight hours a day for two years and spent £30,000 turning his one-bed studio into the starship Voyager’s flight deck.

Other flats in his block in Hinckley, Leics, have sold for a modest £80,000.

But Tony put his up for sale on eBay a month ago with a guide price of £130,000.

The Sun Online – News: Star Trek fan soldly goes – Link.

From the pages of MAKE:
Make 460
In MAKE 07 we had a “Made on Earth” about Tony Alleyne’s apartment turned-Star Trek starship renovation project. MAKE 07 page 18. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition or get MAKE 07 @ the Maker store.

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