Stitch N’ Pitch – Baseball meets Needlecrafts

Craft & Design
Stitch N’ Pitch – Baseball meets Needlecrafts

Tnna Stitchnpitch

The National Needle Arts Association (TNNA) is proud to announce a new program – Stitch N’ Pitch! Building on the success at the Seattle Mariners last year, the Stitch N’ Pitch event has been structured into a formal program. Partnering with individual baseball clubs, TNNA is helping to bring two American traditions together — Baseball and the NeedleArts. We’ll be at the SF Giants game on July 20th ( see MAKE post here ). Other teams up on the craft action are the Minnesota Twins, Seattle Mariners, Colorado Rockies, Texas Rangers, LA Dodgers, Pittsburgh Pirates, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Arizona Diamondbacks, Cleveland Indians, and the Atlanta Braves. Check out the site for the full schedule and for more information. Link.

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