The Puppet Phactory Cranks Out Puppets with Personality

Craft & Design
The Puppet Phactory Cranks Out Puppets with Personality


At Maker Faire New York this weekend, Puppet Phactory provided interesting-looking junk items for kids to craft into puppets. Puppet Phactory is a collective of artists that have come together to produce a play called “Momma Junk.” They’re planning to choose their favorite Faire-crafted puppets to become a part of the show:

In the spirit of Making, we are open-sourcing this performance. We are inviting the Maker world to build the puppets for “Momma Junk.” The final puppets chosen will be beta tested at Pop Up Playhouse in New York City in February 2014. From there we aim for a World Premier of “Momma Junk” at Maker Faire Bay Area 2014.

There were some pretty fabulous creations on display. Here are a few:

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

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