TorrentMeter – A steampunk bandwidth meter

Craft & Design Technology
TorrentMeter – A steampunk bandwidth meter


TorrentMeter – A steampunk bandwidth meter. Skytee writes –

Weeks after showing you TorrentMeter Mk.1 (video) and TorrentMeter Mk.2 Steampunk Edition (video), I finally get to document how it was made. I got inspired by reading Tom Igoe’s article in Make Magazine issue 11, about an antique gauge displaying air quality data from the web. It hit a nerve: friends and I had once built a steam powered teletype. Since we’ve got fiber optical intertubes at home, I wanted a big brass gauge telling me how big my pipe was. And that’s the idea of my TorrentMeter.

Pt 10547
Net Data Meter by Tom Igoe in DIY: Circuits . Antique voltmeter displays current air quality from the web. Page 133

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