At Maker Faire Bay Area last weekend, a group of editors were talking about the “maker tattoos” feature we’re working on for MAKE Volume 35, and someone wondered aloud when we might see the first iconic Maker Faire robot tattoo. Then, two days later, lo and behold, Instagram user @maiden_merica posted a pic of his shiny new ink! The bearer happens to be musician, carpenter, and MAKE community member Tyler Wilkinson, who had flown out from the East Coast with his fine lady, Liz Lirakis of Tracimoc. Inspired by his weekend at the Faire, Tyler got the tattoo the Monday after in Berkeley at War Horse. Maker Faire for life! Tyler says, “I was kinda surprised there wasn’t a featured tattoo artist at the Faire. That’s the only thing I think I didn’t see there!” He plans to add a landscaped storyboard around the bot.
Liz makes awesome art out of old comic books. For the past couple of years at the Faire, she’s hosted a collaborative, robot-based art piece at her booth and gifted us the end results. Last year we a rad collage, which hangs at headquarters, and this year, she made the robot form out of foam and folks collaged over it. The back needs to be finished, but we’ve set it up in the office for folks to add to when they need a break from the glowing screens. Thanks Liz and Tyler!
Is Tyler’s Maker Faire robot tattoo the first or just the first we’ve seen? Let us know in the comments!